The Washington Metaphysical Church is a welcoming community embracing our oneness with God, celebrated and understood through the science and philosophy of Divine Metaphysics. We honor each other as brothers and sisters of the Way, as each of us navigates our personal journey of spiritual unfoldment.
Our Principles
adopted June 2021
Note: The words in bold indicate the name of each principle, e.g. “The principle of All that Is”.Use the plus icon (+) to learn more about what each principle means.
“There is naught else but God!” When the Bible says we are created in the image of God, it does not mean that God is a man. God is the force of life and Consciousness that pervades all things, including us. As such, we are endowed with the power of Creation, through our thoughts, words and deeds. “You are the Light of God Consciousness, manifesting and expressing in and through a physical body now.”
Everything in the Universe is connected, and as part of that “All,” everything and everyone we see is a reflection of ourselves. When we realize that we are an integral part of All That Is, we find ourselves rising above our earthly concerns, and responding to life from a more spiritual state of Consciousness.
Meditation allows us to tap into All That Is, to seek higher understanding and to obtain the answers we seek to the questions of life. There is no separation. Everything there is to be known is part of us, and we are part of it. Meditation allows us to experience that God-presence firsthand. This is the key in our progression toward Christ, or God Consciousness.
“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these.” (John 14:12) Just as Jesus was an expression of God, so are each of us. Jesus tells us that the same spark of Divinity, and the gifts that he and others have demonstrated, flourish within each of us. We simply need to be willing to learn, and put that knowledge into practice.
Everything has a time and a purpose (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Hermetic philosophy teaches us that every cause has an effect, and every effect has a cause. God is not a respecter of persons (Acts 10:34), and as such, does not “bend the rules,” no matter how much we might desire it. When a miraculous thing happens, we know there is a logical, scientific reason for its occurrence, even if we haven’t progressed to a point of understanding the dynamics that cause it.
Religion is understanding the nature of God, and incorporating those principles into our life. Religion is neither dogma nor blind obedience. By understanding the laws by which the Universe operates, we are able to understand the ways of God, and navigate through them in a thoughtful, purposeful way, instead of surrendering to human will.
The parable of Adam and Eve (Genesis chapters 2 and 3) teaches us about free will. Humans are blessed with the unique power to override our instincts and act freely as we follow our own choices. With this power comes responsibility for our actions and their consequences. No one, not even Jesus, can assume this responsibility on our behalf. When we understand the laws of nature and of man, and act in harmony with them, we experience satisfaction and happiness. When our will contradicts the law, we experience challenges in our life.
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” (Matthew 7:12; Luke 6:31) This truth is foundational to all faith traditions, which many consider the ultimate commandment of God. When we treat others as we would like to be treated, we are inspired to create harmonious energies of respect, peace, and love.
“Go and sin no more” (John 8:11) Sin is not an unforgivable act, but simply error-thinking. When we realize that there is no unforgivable act, no eternal damnation, then we are empowered to find forgiveness by releasing the errors of the past, and using the lessons learned from those errors to build a better future. Each one of us has the opportunity to make amends for our transgressions, and to achieve forgiveness, either during our lifetime, or in the next life, as we gain understanding of the impact of our actions.
We believe that we are on an eternal journey of spiritual unfoldment, which extends beyond a physical body, and may involve many lifetimes. We have a physical body, which is animated by energy. It is this energy, the life force that constitutes our true being, or Consciousness, which cannot be destroyed, and which survives the death of the physical body. Just as it is energy that allows communication between physical beings, this energy can continue to communicate once the physical body is gone. We believe that anyone can develop their natural ability to tune in with these physical and spiritual energies.
“I AM” is the expression of Creation, what some refer to as the “name of God” (Exodus 3:14). As an expression of God, each of us is an expression of Creative energy. There is an adage, “Everything that follows ‘I AM’ follows you.” The words we use, through our thoughts, speech, and deeds, have a direct influence on our circumstances. When we focus on negative energies, we create and experience negativity. When we focus on the loving energies of God Consciousness, we create and experience love.
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What is Metaphysics?
Metaphysics is a branch of learning that seeks to discover and understand the unseen causes at work behind visible nature.
Divine Metaphysics is a science, philosophy, and religion that accepts the existence of God as Infinite Intelligence. It practices and teaches the spiritual truths exemplified in the Holy Bible and other sacred scriptures, and as revealed in the life and teachings of Jesus and other holy avatars of God.
About Divine Metaphysics
In this short video, Rev. Jackson explains Divine Metaphysics: