Mouse over or click on a date to see details. Times on this website are for the Eastern Time Zone. (Schedule subject to change. Schedule changes are announced on the Classes page or in the upper left corner of each page below the church’s name.)
Worship Service
Worship Service
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Location: Zoom
Join us each week for our online Sunday Worship Service. Listen to our sermons and meditations and other inspirational messages. Our Worship begins at 10:00 a.m. with a dynamic Metaphysical interpretation of scripture designed to uplift and inspire. On the first Sunday of each month, Rev. Robert S. Jackson leads us in our monthly Common Union service, a wonderful and uplifting way to express our oneness with the Divine. Join us in your unfoldment, and learn how living a spiritual life can inspire you to create the best possible experience in all aspects of this life.
Join us every Monday on Zoom as we share energies of healing for our world and for the situations that affect our world family. Spend 45 minutes with us as we do our part to make this planet we call home a better place! Use the Request Info button below to join this class. Donations appreciated - Please email to receive the link.
Meditation with Rev. Jackson
Meditation with Rev. Jackson
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Location: Zoom Meeting
Meditation with Rev. Jackson
Join us every week on Zoom for a guided meditation with Rev. Jackson. Please email to request meeting details and login information.
Worship Service
Worship Service
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Location: Zoom
Join us each week for our online Sunday Worship Service. Listen to our sermons and meditations and other inspirational messages. Our Worship begins at 10:00 a.m. with a dynamic Metaphysical interpretation of scripture designed to uplift and inspire. On the first Sunday of each month, Rev. Robert S. Jackson leads us in our monthly Common Union service, a wonderful and uplifting way to express our oneness with the Divine. Join us in your unfoldment, and learn how living a spiritual life can inspire you to create the best possible experience in all aspects of this life.
Join us every Monday on Zoom as we share energies of healing for our world and for the situations that affect our world family. Spend 45 minutes with us as we do our part to make this planet we call home a better place! Use the Request Info button below to join this class. Donations appreciated - Please email to receive the link.
Meditation with Rev. Jackson
Meditation with Rev. Jackson
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Location: Zoom Meeting
Meditation with Rev. Jackson
Join us every week on Zoom for a guided meditation with Rev. Jackson. Please email to request meeting details and login information.
Worship Service
Worship Service
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Location: Zoom
Join us each week for our online Sunday Worship Service. Listen to our sermons and meditations and other inspirational messages. Our Worship begins at 10:00 a.m. with a dynamic Metaphysical interpretation of scripture designed to uplift and inspire. On the first Sunday of each month, Rev. Robert S. Jackson leads us in our monthly Common Union service, a wonderful and uplifting way to express our oneness with the Divine. Join us in your unfoldment, and learn how living a spiritual life can inspire you to create the best possible experience in all aspects of this life.
Join us every Monday on Zoom as we share energies of healing for our world and for the situations that affect our world family. Spend 45 minutes with us as we do our part to make this planet we call home a better place! Use the Request Info button below to join this class. Donations appreciated - Please email to receive the link.
Meditation with Rev. Jackson
Meditation with Rev. Jackson
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Location: Zoom Meeting
Meditation with Rev. Jackson
Join us every week on Zoom for a guided meditation with Rev. Jackson. Please email to request meeting details and login information.
Worship Service
Worship Service
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Location: Zoom
Join us each week for our online Sunday Worship Service. Listen to our sermons and meditations and other inspirational messages. Our Worship begins at 10:00 a.m. with a dynamic Metaphysical interpretation of scripture designed to uplift and inspire. On the first Sunday of each month, Rev. Robert S. Jackson leads us in our monthly Common Union service, a wonderful and uplifting way to express our oneness with the Divine. Join us in your unfoldment, and learn how living a spiritual life can inspire you to create the best possible experience in all aspects of this life.
Join us every Monday on Zoom as we share energies of healing for our world and for the situations that affect our world family. Spend 45 minutes with us as we do our part to make this planet we call home a better place! Use the Request Info button below to join this class. Donations appreciated - Please email to receive the link.
Meditation with Rev. Jackson
Meditation with Rev. Jackson
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Location: Zoom Meeting
Meditation with Rev. Jackson
Join us every week on Zoom for a guided meditation with Rev. Jackson. Please email to request meeting details and login information.